The fantastic wedding of Paul & Ramona - Slatina, Romania 2019
This summer I had the great privilege and honour to document the wedding of Paul & Ramona…and what a fantastic wedding it was! A handsome groom and the most gorgeous bride!
Wishing you many years to come together and the very best of luck guys! It was a great pleasure to be your wedding photographer!
Here is the highlight of your wedding day!
In aceasta vara am avut privilegiul de a fotografia nunta Ramonei si al lui Paul. O nunta fantastica foarte bine organizata, un mire si o mireasa ca din povesti si invitati pe masura.
Eu, Costina si Darius va dorim multi ani impreuna. Casa de piatra!
A fost o onoare sa fiu fotograful nuntii voastre!
Mai jos aveti un rezumat a celor mai bune momente din zi!

Five things you should know before booking your wedding photographer
A good client is a happy client. To exceed the bride's and grooms expectations is my top priority.
To make sure you will have the experience you deserve when booking your wedding at I made a list with five things you should know before booking your wedding photographer.
1. I always show up early. Let this be one stress less from your mind. I will be there at the time I promised. I had never been late for any wedding and will never do. In fact, if I come to your door 30 minutes early, you should know that I sat in my car another 30 minutes probably.
2. Please be ready. On our phone or face to face wedding consultation, I will tell you that I want you to be prepared at the time of my arrival. What does this mean? It means I want you to have your hair done and makeup done, ready to wear your dress. I am there to capture the best of you!
3. Your wedding dress looks good only on you, not hanging by the door or trees. Rings look good on your fingers, shoes on your feet. I love photographing accessories, but I believe the best pictures are only when you wear them.
4. The less is more! I am a man of quality, not quantity. Expect enough images to tell your wedding story but don't expect duplicates and meaningless photos. For a ten hours wedding, I never delivered more than six hundred unique images. All your photos will be carefully selected, and only the best will be edited and delivered to you.
5. I apply the same principle for album design! The less is more! A wedding album is not an instrument to visualize photos but is a book that tells a story in images. All my wedding photo albums are designed for the "wow factor" They are meant to take the breath away from anyone who will open them. An album spread (two pages) can have from one to five photos but will never have twenty. You will choose the images, and I will make the design. You will also have the final word before going to print.
That being said I am always open to suggestions and I am continuously seeking new ideas to boost my creativity. If you have any special request, please feel free to discuss with me either by calling me on 07403949492 or email me on
Oviphotography is dead, long lives Fine Art Wedding
It was a Wednesday night, bish bash bosh, Godaddy, WordPress, update, no backup, again bish bash bosh, nothing, ERROR 404!!! The world has come to an end. My world!
I needed 10 minutes and a beer to calm myself down and start thinking of some quick solutions! After another beer, I was already cursing the inventors of WordPress. Luckily, like a Christmas miracle, a Squarespace advert popped in my facebook timeline. Bish bash bosh, and in no time I had a new domain and a new website project! That's why spam is good sometimes. Some people don't like it but I love it when I only think what tyres should I buy for my car and an advert with tyres on sale will appear on my facebook.
Anyway, here I am now, writing my first ever blog post, afraid of people might actually read this and judge me by my writing skills and not by my photography!
Ovidiu Tiganus is my name, but you can quickly go with Ovi! Originally, I come from Romania, and together with my wife, Costina, I moved to London in September 2010.
On 10th of March 2012 our son, Darius was born! That date was the beginning point of my career. I know it might sound like a cliche because so many photographers had started like this, but one month before Darius came to the world I went to Argos and bought myself a Nikon d3000, so I can be prepared to capture every single moment of his life. I remember even that I lied to my wife that the camera cost only £200 but it actually cost me around £400. I was lucky though because in 2012 the mobile phone cameras were not as good as our days and maybe that's why I was encoureged to buy a DSLR.
Somehow, I guess, I had this passion in my blood, I grew up playing with my father's old film cameras. Unfortunately, he passed away to soon to teach me how to use them, and they were just toys for me. When I first put my hands on my d3000 something activated in me, I couldn't stop learning on how to get the perfect picture from the bloody thing.
And learning, and learning, and after I controlled the beast I found out that is not enough to make the perfect pictures, I needed to learn more, the mother of all programs, almighty Photoshop. While I was learning more lies followed (sorry honey), I bought more equipment, flashes, cameras, lenses, stands, video cameras, some of which were just lousy investments.
The wedding photography business came as a natural flow and as a reward of all the money I spend and the hundreds of hours in front of my computer watching tutorials.
For what I am now, for the photographer I became, I can only be grateful to my lovely wife. She is asleep now, and in the morning when she will read this text, she will say "yeah right." First, I am grateful for giving birth to our son! Without him, I would not be here today. I would've not bought that camera, and I would've been just a poor soul. My son is my blood. My wife is the engine that stands in front of me. So many times I told her that she is not supportive enough and so many times I knew deep down in me that is not true, but I was too stubborn to admit. Forgive me, love!
I am not even close on where I want to be, but I know, that someday one of you reading this will help me achieve a "Photographer of the year award." I have this ambition and is my promise that I will never stop learning until this day will come.
Bish bash bosh, I wrote my first ever blog post. I hope I didn't embarrass myself. Need to celebrate this somehow, wish I still have a beer in the fridge.
Thanks for reading, love you all!